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DEVRAW Documentation and Wiki for all things related to the Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Mod Tools.
Brand new Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Mod Tools Launcher Overhaul.
Various tools made by members in the community that can help with your modding experience.

This is a tool that is useful for creating screenshots, trailers, etc., by editing blur, lights, fog, and more, all in-game and in real time.

Cordycep is a tool that utilizes game data to handle loading game files. Cordycep was made to work around more strict anti-cheats used in modern titles without comprimising them.

Corvid is a tool that converts Source Engine maps and their assets to be used in Call of Duty.

GameImageUtil is a tool to work with and process various images from various games for use within rendering, modding, ugc, etc. As with most games, developers pack images, perform conversions, etc. and this will help with unpacking them.

Greyhound is an asset extractor various titles running on the IW Engine (primarily Call of Duty games), and is based off the famous Wraith Archon that was originally developed by DTZxPorter.

Husky is a BSP Extractor for Call of Duty. It can rip the raw vertex/face data to a file that can be opened in software such as Autodesk Maya (currently only OBJ). It also includes UVs and material names, and in the future, will export other data such as static models, dynamic models, etc.

HydraX is an asset decompiler for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 I have been working on since March of 2018, its aim is to accurately decompile more specialized and specific files such as AI files, tables, etc. that Treyarch didn't/couldn't provide with the Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Mod Tools.

VKRadiant adds various tweaks/fixes to Radiant, along with many other useful features to upgrade your mapping experience.
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