This tutorial and script were made by ZombieKid164 & HarryBo21. All credits go to them. Shi No Numa styled means that once you open a door, the Perk Machine spawns in the air and floats down, cycling through each of the available perk machines you define. Once it gets to the floor that's the perk that will for the rest of the game be in that location. If you want Giant Styled Random Perk Locations, click HERE.
First, download all required files HERE.
After downloading, drag and drop all folders EXCEPT the "OPEN ME" folder into your root folder. After that, open the "OPEN ME" folder and drag its contents into your mapname folder.
Open the ENTITY_BROWSER and place a SCRIPT_STRUCT in your map. This struct is going to be the NEW location for your perks.
The origin of this struct is going to be the exact position of the new perk, so place it halfway into the floor, and the GREEN Y AXIS ARROW is the backside of the machine.
We are going to give this struct a TARGETNAME of whatever you'd like. Make it unique for each struct/perk location.
To keep track which perks you're going to have in your map, place the same Perk Machines somewhere under your map.
Open your mapname.gsc and search for the following line:
#using scripts\zm\zm_usermap;
Underneath that, insert the following line:
#using scripts\zm\_zk_perks;
Search again in your mapname.gsc for the following line:
Anywhere beneath that but still within your function main(), insert the following line:
level thread _zk_perks::init();
Open your file which is located in "usermaps\zm_mapname\zone_source" and insert the following somewhere:
// ZombieKid164's Shi No Numa Perk System
Open your mapname.scz which is located in "usermaps\zm_mapname\sound\zoneconfig" and find the following:
"Type" : "ALIAS",
"Name" : "zm_mapname",
"Filename" : "zm_mapname.csv",
"Specs" : [ ]
Insert the following directly underneath that:
"Type" : "ALIAS",
"Name" : "zk_perks_snd",
"Filename" : "zk_perks_snd.csv",
"Specs" : [ ]
You may now open up _zk_perks.gsc located in "usermaps\zm_mapname\scripts\zm" and edit it to your liking.
If you know what you're doing, you can easily add in any and every perk available in your map.
If you do not know any scripting, this is already set up to be compatible with Jugg, Double Tap, Speed Cola, Mule Kick, Staminup, Deadshot, Electric Cherry, Widows Wine, PhD Flopper, Tombstone, Who's Who and Vulture's Aid.
Compile, Link and that's it!