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Forum Posts

Feb 24, 2022
Greetings, First off, I am really glad I joined this site. The community here seems very friendly, and I would love to be apart of it, as well as make contributions hopefully... That being said, I'm currently attempting to create a mod, specifically a weapon pack, not a custom map. My idea is to create, a Black Ops re-imagined pack, that has all of the Cold War weapons in it, as well as a few Modern Warfare weapons that I think would fit the BO1 theme. Basically, I'm hoping to create something that would amp-up the BO1 Zombie Chronicles maps just a little more, and give it that extra feel of "nostalgia", while also adding a few minor things. The thing is, I can't find any proper tutorial anywhere on how to create a weapon mod. The only thing I've found, are videos on how to add weapons into custom maps, which isn't what I plan on doing... Look, I'm gonna be honest here, I have modded in a few other games, but I don't really have any experience with BO3, or WAW mod tools. I know it sounds really cheesy, but I've just been having this idea in my head for the longest time now, and I want to start somewhere, and finally make something. I have Mod Tools installed, as well as the weapon packs from TheSkyeLord (thanks btw), and I've added his files into my mod. All I need to figure out, is how to put them into the Mystery Box, as well as replace some wall weapons, like the Sheiva and RK5 in the starting rooms, to the DMR 14 from CW, and the 725 from MW2019(maybe even the chalk drawings? Not important though...) I would be ever so grateful if I could get some help with this. Like I said, I've had this idea for awhile now, and have just always put it off. This time though, I really want to actually make this. I just need some references and a bit of help. Cheers! Sorry if this post was too long...


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