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Setting up Zones



Create an info_volume from the ENTITY BROWSER.

Cover your area that's PLAYABLE. Zones can not intersect one another and they must be touching. You can have as many as you'd like in your area to get a more precise zone. We don't cover outside areas as this zone also defines where POWERUPS are going to drop, so as stated before, only cover the area's that are PLAYABLE.

Bring up the ENTITY_INFO tab as we're going to give these zones some KVP's.

targetname			your_zone_name
target				targetname_of_spawners_inside_zone
script_noteworthy        	player_volume

Repeat this process for all of your zones. Group your zones together with the same targetnames, and also remember to target the correct spawners inside those new zones.



Open your mapname.gsc and find the following:

function usermap_test_zone_init()
    level flag::init( "always_on" );
    level flag::set( "always_on" );

Now we need to add additional zones underneath these two lines. Here is the basic template:


Quick Explanation:

ZONE_TARGETNAME is the first zone you are in. SECOND_ZONE_TARGETNAME is the zone adjacent to the first zone and the one we want to enter. SCRIPT_FLAG_ENTER_SECOND_ZONE is what we will define on our doors & debris that tells the script this new zone is now activated.

Want another zone activated at the start of the game? Find this inside of your function_main:

init_zones[0] = "start_zone";

All we have to do is add a second instance of this line and change "start_zone" to your other zone! Example:

init_zones[0] = "start_zone";
init_zones[1] = "start_zone_2";
init_zones[2] = "start_zone_3";



That's it for zones! Just remember that you will die instantly if you are not touching a zone, or you are inside of a zone that is not yet activated.

A common issue people have is when they load up their map and the game over screen is showing. This is because the player did not start inside of a zone, or is in a zone that is not yet activated.

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