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Setting up Starting Weapons



Open your mapname.gsc and find the following line:


Anywhere underneath that but still within function main(), insert these lines:

level.start_weapon = GetWeapon( "pistol_standard" ); // CHANGE THIS FOR STARTING PISTOL
level.default_laststandpistol = GetWeapon( "pistol_standard" );	// CHANGE THIS FOR LAST STAND PISTOL IN COOP
level.default_solo_laststandpistol = GetWeapon( "pistol_standard_upgraded" ); // CHANGE THIS FOR LAST STAND PISTOL IN SOLO
level.laststandpistol = level.default_laststandpistol;

You can now change these lines to your liking. I've included comments to make it easier to understand what each line does.

That's it!


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