This the full list of all 138 Camos we can use when defining the Pack a Punch camo for our weapons.
1 = Jungle tech
2 = Ash
3 = Flectarn
4 = Heat Stroke
5 = Snow Job
6 = Dante
7 = Integer
8 = 6 speed
9 = Policia
10 = Ardent
11 = Burnt
12 = Bliss
13 = Battle
14 = Charmeleon
15 = Gold
16 = Diamond
17 = Dark Matter
18 = Artic
19 = Jungle
20 = Huntsman
21 = Woodlums
22 = Contagious
23 = Fear
24 = WMD
25 = Red Hex
26 = Afterlife (Shadow Of Evil)
27 = Black Ops 3
28 = Weaponized 115
29 = Cyborg
30 = True Vet
31 = Snow Job
32 = 6 speed
33 = Takeout
34 = digital (grey)
35 = Nuketown
36 = Transgression
37 = Burnt
38 = Storm
39 = Wartorn
40 = Prestige
41 = digital (yellow/green)
42 = The Giant camo
43 = Ice
44 = Dust
45 = Tiger Stripes (orange)
46 = Tiger Stripes
47 = Contrast
48 = Verde
49 = Firebrand
50 = Field
75-80 = Der Eisendrache Camo -- [variants = 6]
81 = Zetsubou No Shima Camo
82 = Blood Camo
83 = Heptic Camo
84-88 = Gorod Krovi Camos -- [variants = 5]
89-117 = Bo3 ChampionShip Camos -- [variants = 28]
118 = Loading... (Orange scrolling text)
119 = Wacky (Orange/Green slow scrolling)
120 = Bo3 ChampionShip Camo
121-125 = Revelation camos -- [variants = 5]
126 = Lucid Camo
127 - 130 = No Camos ( use one of these if you want pap guns to not change camo)
131 = St Patricks camo
132 = Black Ops 1 Zombie Camo
133 = Origins Camo
134 = Cherry Fizz
135 = Bubbles
136 = Soviet Blue
137 = Honeycomb
138 = Watermelon