All weapons from Black Ops Cold War Ported to Black Ops III this includes:
- 1911
- Diamatti
- Magnum
- Amp63
- Marshal
Assault Rifles
Any feedback will be appreciated.
Scobula = Greyhound, MWR Shell Ejects, and IK Code
DTZxPorter = Wraith Archon , Modme, and SE Tools
ID-Daemon = Game research for Greyhound
Eric Maynard = Help with the BOCW base on Greyhound
JBird632 = Sound template and tutorials
Logical Edits = Devraw and video on how to port BOCW weapons
Harry Bo21 = Tutorials
TheSkyeLord = His amazing weapon ports helped me fix many issues I had.
Thomas Cat = T9 to T7 rig and help with Maya
TheBlackDeath = Additive utils on the T9 to T7 rig
DamianoTBM = Testing T9 to T7 rig
lilrobot = Inspectable weapons script
Ray1235 = CoD Maya Tools
MakeCents = C3IG
MikeyRay = Feedback on the weapons
Sphynx = Providing the Bo3 base weapon stats
Autodesk Maya = Importing and Exporting CoD models and anims
Audacity = Converting sound files
Blender = Editing some weapon models
Gimp = Editing some textures
Treyarch = CoD Black Ops 3/ BO3 Mod tools and CoD Black Ops Cold War
Infinity Ward = CoD Modern Warfare
Raven Software = CoD Warzone
nvm i fixed it
Every time I add the guns into my map it crashes my game to desktop on the loading screen. Anyway to fix that?